Month: November 2015

Mermaid Tail Blankets everywhere

Well I’ve been super busy with an upcoming craft fair!  I shared in my last post the Mermaid Tail Blanket that I made.  Well I’ve made 3 more since that you can see 2 of the colors below & the pink one is sold.  I’ve been getting many requests to purchase them and am adding to my Etsy shop later today!  If you are local to me and would like to purchase one you can purchase directly from me using the Paypal link below.  But get your orders in no later then DECEMBER 10th, 2015 in order to have it for Christmas.  As you can see in the pictures below there is one with a solid color and one that is all the same. You can choose which one you want.

IF you are NOT LOCAL please go to my Etsy Shop. (Link on the right)  I currently am working on 2 orders. ***The prices are for the Chunky Yarn shown in the POST below this one. The colors I have are below and I have most on hand except Nobility.  If you have any questions please feel free to contact me via email:

Pink MermaidTeal TailCountry Loom Sampler




What’s been on my Hook

Hey all! So it’s been crazy busy over here. I’ve been getting ready for a Craft Fair I’ll be in very soon and time is just ticking away!  Plus I’m really looking forward to seeing my Daughter and Son-In-Law in a few weeks!!  Looking forward to that!

MermaidOn to what I’ve been working on –

SO I’ve been seeing all these GORGEOUS Mermaid Blankets in a variety of colors and finally I broke down and made one!



Mermaid 1
I absolutely LOVE how this came out!  So as you see mine is Black & Grey well I’m representing “Ursula” which most know is from the “Little Mermaid”.

I had a lot of this yarn and well that’s the first thing that popped into my head!  So right away I thought I’ve got to do the Evil Mermaid! LOL!

Extremely happy with how it turned out! Below in the next picture is the back of it.  So you see how to get into it! Talk about warm & cozy???


Mermaid 2What do you think?  I know I’m for sure going be making more!  In colors of course!  With the Holiday’s just around the  corner these would make GREAT gifts!  If you are interested I will take orders.   I’ll be adding to my Etsy Shop very soon!

If you are a crocheter looking for this pattern you can find it HERE!  It’s a great pattern and super easy to work up! Questions? Please comment here!

As always thanks for stopping by and Happy Craftin’,
Yvonne Metz


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