Wanted to first wish All the Mom’s who read my Blog a very Happy Mother’s Day!
I know it’s been way to long since I posted anything. Work has been busy and Mom, Grandma stuff has been good busy as well!

My last post was that of a give a way – Well there was a winner BUT she never responded SO I’m going to have to pick another winner so stay tuned for that one! Also I’ll be back making more crochet videos very soon. I’ve got a few things on my hook that I’d like to share with you all! So come back soon.

Last but not leas look what I found! Some cute crochet earrings made in California! I’ll share the link to those. Next to yarn these are a great Momma’s day gift for crocheters or even knitters. YES she’s got some Knitting ones too!

Have a great rest of your Mother’s day and until next time…..
Happy Craftin’!
Yvonne Metz
Vista, CA.

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