py Monday All! Ok so this isn’t craft related and it’s not the Spinach Dip Recipe (which is coming) but I just had to share this today!
I few weeks ago I bought a book for my Husband called “The Best Team Money Can Buy” by Author Molly Knight. He told me that on Twitter she said if we send a copy of the receipt she’d send us a book plate!
So I was like Ok sure! Well I got it today!
To be honest I had NO idea what I was getting. I thought it was like a Book Marker. The envelope had no return address or anything.
Here is the note I got. I was like Wow, maybe it was from one of my Ebay customers because I normally send a little Thank you note card & if they are a new customer I add my Business Card to it which has my Etsy shop on it.
So anyway – my Husband comes home and I said “Hey look what someone sent me in the mail today?” He was like “Hey that’s from Molly Knight, the Author from the book you bought me?” I was like WHAAATT???? He goes Yeah, I’ve seen on Twitter where others are Tweeting out that they got there’s and are sending in pics! I couldn’t believe it! It truly made my DAY! Sometimes you have that inner doubt about things you make and something like this happens and it just makes you feel really Awesome & Good inside!
Ok, well just had to share that! I’ll be getting back to my recipe now and will have that for you 1st thing in the morning with a few pics and all! As always thanks for stopping by and…..
Happy Craftin,
Yvonne Metz
Vista, CA.