Month: August 2015

More Crocheted Little Mermaids

2nd Mermaid - 1So as promised here is the 2nd Mermaid Doll I made!  I really  like how she turned out too!  She’s absolutely perfect!

These are very addicting to make I do have to admit!

This is paid pattern which you can get HERE – It’s super detailed and has awesome pictures to follow.

A lot of hard work went into this pattern. It takes so much time to make sure written patterns come out right!   Below is a side view picture!



2nd Mermaid
Here is a side view – Don’t you just love the “Star Fish” in her HAIR?????  It’s a great touch!

Well until next time thanks for stopping by!

Happy Crafting,

Yvonne Metz
Vista, CA.



Crocheted Mermaid Dolls

Mermaid 4I’m back and ready to share my first Mermaid Doll I LOVE how she turned out!
For this one I used the following Pattern from Ravelry but I changed her Tail and I used this Pattern for that.  Oh and I added a belly button, not sure if you an see it that good! But I just had to try!
I also made up her Bra Top.  If you’d like to know how I did it please don’t hesitate to ask me!  IT was super easy!  These will be going into my Etsy Shop very soon.  I’ve got one more to show you which I’ll post tomorrow morning.  It is another great pattern and a super cute Mermaid!  So come back and check it out!  Thanks for stopping  by and as always….

Happy Crafting,
Yvonne Metz
Vista, CA.


Back to School

Hey t2015-08-02 14.59.25here Crafters!  I know I’ve been away from blogging but it couldn’t be helped! It’s been all about spending some “Fun in Sun” time at the beach with my Son, Family vacations and all that kind of good stuff before school is back on! Which here for us it’s tomorrow!

My son will be a Middle Schooler! Yikes time sure flies!
For our family vacation this year we went to Hawaii and stayed at the “Disney Resort – Aulani” on the Island of Oahu! So much FUN!  This Picture above was the view from our room!
Talk about breath taking???  Smelling the beach air, hearing the waves, smelling the great food! Awesome!  We could see & hear everything from our room!

So2015-08-04 08.09.38 the next morning waking up and hearing all kinds of FUN stuff going on.
We open our door to this!!!

The had Character Breakfasts going on down-stairs!  HOW FUN!

Anyway, just had to share that real quick.

I’ll be back to share a project I made that was on my “To Hook List’ for awhile but just hadn’t had the time to start it.

Thanks for stopping by and as always…..

Happy Crafting!!
Yvonne Metz






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