Month: July 2015

Princess Lovey

Princess 1  Princess

Princess 2Happy Monday All!

Hope you had a great start to a new week! So I am going to share this new Princess Lovey I finished on Saturday!  I have to say these are pretty addicting!  I honestly Love Loveys!!!  Hope you like.

These will be for sale also –  if you are looking for something particular just let me know!  I’ve got some ideas for other ones!

Need to get back to my Mermaid set order!  Thanks for stopping by and as always….

Happy Craftin’,
Yvonne Metz

May the Force be with you

PLoveyHappy Saturday Crafters!  Comic Con is going on in San Diego and I finished this Princess Lovey yesterday! How fun is she???  I love making Lovey’s and Princess Leia is my first in a new Princess line of Lovey’s that I’m making.  Well need to run a few errands before I get back to craftin!

As always thanks for stopping by and…
Happy Craftin’
Yvonne Metz

PLovey1PLovey back

Tuesday happenings

Hey all! Well this is going to be a quick post as I’m going to share the colors to my next project!  I have a feeling this one may take a little more time BUT I’m not sure. I am going to start it sometime today!  I will for sure share as my work progresses.

Thanks for stopping by and as always….

Happy Craftin’,
Yvonne Metz
Vista, Ca.


Spinach Dip Recipe

So as promised I am going to share the recipe for making this absolutely delish Spinach Dip. It really is easy to make.

2015-07-04 12.29.15Here’s a list of all the ingredients:

1 pkg of Knorr’s Vegetable recipe mix
1 cup Best Foods Mayo or any brand you like. I don’t recommend Miracle Whip as it just has a slightly different taste to me.
16 oz container of Sour Cream
1 pkg (10oz) Frozen Chopped Spinach
1 can (8 oz) water chestnuts, drained & chopped I buy the sliced if available.
3 green onions – I personally use the whole bunch. Which in this pic there are 6.


2015-07-04 15.21.19Ok, now looking at the directions it says to cook then cool the spinach. I don’t remember reading doing that before & I’ve made this so many times! I just thaw it in the Fridge and squeeze out the excess water out.

Now just mix it all together I use a fork at some point to spread out the Spinach then let chill for at least 2 hrs. I normally like to make the night before.

Mix again with a Fork and this is very important you “MUST” taste test before serving to guests! ; ) Yup! You need to make sure it’s edible right? It might take a couple of tries just to make sure!

I normally take this to my Aunt’s house and she also has to taste test it BEFORE everybody else!  I try to serve it in a Bread Bowl like you see on the package BUT I honestly can never find them in my store so I usually buy 2 French Loaves and those work just fine!  So easy peasy right????  If you try this out you’ll have to let me know what you think!  Enjoy and as always thanks for stopping by!

Happy Craftin’,
Yvonne Metz
Vista, Ca.

Amazing Note in the Mail today!

HapThe Best Team Money Can Buypy Monday All!  Ok so this isn’t craft related and it’s not the Spinach Dip Recipe (which is coming) but I just had to share this today!

I few weeks ago I bought a book for my Husband called “The Best Team Money Can Buy” by Author Molly Knight.  He told me that on Twitter she said if we send a copy of the receipt she’d send us a book plate!

So I was like Ok sure!  Well I got it today!

To be honest I had NO idea what I was getting.  I thought it was like a Book Marker.  The envelope had no return address or anything.


Book PlateHere is the note I got. I was like Wow, maybe it was from one of my Ebay customers because I normally send a little Thank you note card & if they are a new customer I add my Business Card to it which has my Etsy shop on it.

So anyway – my Husband comes home and I said “Hey look what someone sent me in the mail today?” He was like “Hey that’s from Molly Knight, the Author from the book you bought me?” I was like WHAAATT???? He goes Yeah, I’ve seen on Twitter where others are Tweeting out that they got there’s and are sending in pics!  I couldn’t believe it!  It truly made my DAY!  Sometimes you have that inner doubt about things you make and something like this happens and it just makes you feel really Awesome & Good inside!

Ok, well just had to share that! I’ll be getting back to my recipe now and will have that for you 1st thing in the morning with a few pics and all!  As always thanks for stopping by and…..

Happy Craftin,
Yvonne Metz
Vista, CA.

Crocheted Baby Mermaid Cocoon

Hey Crafters!  Well first I hope you all had a great and safe 4th of July celebration for those who celebrated!  We spent it with Family & Friends and GREAT Food!  I’ll have to share of course my Spinach Dip recipe but also that cake that was there! It was Yummy!

Mermaid Cocoon 1Well on to my finally finished project – Yes as the title of this post said Baby Mermaid Cocoon which I had been dying to make!  I have to say I’m very pleased with how this turned out too!

I found a great video on YouTube which I’ll post the link below for those who maybe interested in making one! Don’t be intimidated it’s really easy once you get the hang of it. I had to change it up just a bit as I wanted my scales to lay just a little differently!

There are 3 videos 1 for the Body, 1 for the Bikini Top and the last for the Starfish headband! Click HERE for the Body part then you’ll see the rest.


Mermaid Cocoon 2Materials I used for this project were all Red Heart Yarn – Colors in Turqua, Pumpkin and a little bit of Aran.

I just LOVE the Starfish Headband & The Shell Bikini top!  This would make a great baby shower gift and a super CUTE Photo Prop of your “Little Mermaid”.

These will be in my Etsy shop soon as soon as I take just a little bit better pics! Just had to share before I call it a night!

Well that’s it for now.  I’ll be back tomorrow with the Yummy Spinach Dip Recipe! As always thanks for stopping by and…….

Happy Craftin,
Yvonne Metz
Vista, Ca.

What could be on my hook now?










I wanted to share my next project before I head out!

I’ve been wanting to make one of these for awhile now and am finally getting to it!   Any guesses? I started it a few days ago.  As you can see in the 2nd photo it’s much larger now!  That’s where I ended last night! I am loving how this is turning out!

Well time to go make my famous “Spinach Dip” to take to my Aunts house a little later! Ok it’s done I just have to “Taste Test it”  You know gotta make sure it’s good!  Will totally share that with you all! Super Easy & YUMMY too!

Thanks for stopping by and as always…..

Happy Craftin’
Yvonne Metz
Vista, Ca.

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